Corporate Governance
GEAR is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate responsibility across all of its businesses. We place a high priority on compliance with all legislative and regulatory requirements, and on the maintenance of high ethical standards. We seek continually to improve our performance in terms of employee development and health and safety in particular, as without the highest standards in these areas, our business model simply would not work.
Our employees are our greatest asset and we place enormous value on the welfare and commitment of our employees as well as the superior level of service they provide for our customers. Our employees all benefit from extensive on the job training schemes and are highly incentivised to deliver superior standards of work and customer service. We pride ourselves on many of our staff remaining with us throughout their careers, something which is increasingly uncommon in the commercial world. We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all our staff.
Health and Safety
In all our markets we have extensive programmes to develop and maintain the highest standards of health and safety for both our employees and our customers. We make a considerable annual investment in ensuring that every piece of equipment meets or exceeds the latest safety standards. We also employ an internal health and safety audit team to ensure that the correct health and safety precautions are in place throughout every aspect of our business. We are at the forefront of the drive to promote higher standards and to educate our customers about new and improved methods of ensuring all employees operate in a safe environment.
Safeguarding the Environment
GEAR is committed to minimising any risk or negative impact our business may have on the environment. During the course of our business, we impact the environment principally through the disposal of waste oils, lubricants and through fuel emissions, as well as through the disposal of effluent. Across our sites, our operating philosophy involves a commitment to:
- Reduce the quantity of waste we produce and to dispose of it correctly.
- Supply and run correctly maintained equipment to reduce both fuel and noise pollution.
- Purchase and supply, where possible, equipment which is energy and noise efficient.
- Encourage the use of recycled materials where these are financially viable including encouraging suppliers to improve the environmental standards of their products.
- Maximise transport efficiency for both environmental and commercial benefit.
- Ensure that our fuel storage facilities, both fixed and mobile, conform to relevant guidance to reduce the risk of contamination.
- Establish optimal procedures to deal with oil or fuel spillage including notifying the relevant enforcing authority.
Customers and Suppliers
We set out to apply a ‘Customer First’ culture and aim to build partnerships to enable our customers to do more, more effectively, over the long term. We try to put our customers’ needs first in everything, from concept and planning through to delivery and